Artigos Científicos
Artigos científicos com a participação em Congressos, produzidos em colaboração por representantes da ProAcústica e envolvendo projetos e ações realizados pela associação.
ProAcustica Handbook: Noise and Vibration Control in Building Installations
By 2021, the Room Acoustics TC incorporated three Working Groups: Special Rooms, Schools and Noise Control and Vibration Control - the last one dedicated to the ProAcustica Handbook: Noise and Vibration Control In Building Installations. The purpose of this publication is to describe the step-by-step measures to implement noise and vibration control strategies in buildings. These strategies are aimed at the particularities of the Brazilian market at the moment and ... Leia [+]
Interlaboratory and proficiency tests for building’s sound insulation field measurements in Brazil – 4th Edition 2020
This paper presents the methodologies, procedures and results of the ProAcustica’s interlaboratory and proficiency program 2020, carried out in São Paulo (Brazil), as well a comparison between the three last editions results. Leia [+]
InterNoise 2020: Noise pollution in São Paulo: actions towards public policies
In Brazil, we do not have a public policy to environmental noise management, which is essential to avoid the adverse effects of noise pollution on citizens. To develop a national policy, a strategic noise map for diagnosing usually is the first action. Until this moment, only two noise maps have been carried out by public administration, and noise action plans are rare. Leia [+]
InterNoise 2019: Interlaboratory and proficiency tests for field measurements in Brazil
This paper presents the methodologies and procedures used in the interlaboratory program, as well as the results of both the interlaboratory test and the proficiency carried out in São Paulo (Brazil) during 2017 by ProAcústica - Brazilian Association for Acoustical Quality The application of Brazilian standard series ABNT NBR 15.575: 2013, which sets acoustic requirements for dwellings, including verification field tests procedures according to ISO standards, has raised significantly the demand for ... Leia [+]
Sobrac 2018: Ensaio interlaboratorial e de proficiência 2017 para laboratórios de ensaios de campo de acústica em edificação
A entrada em vigor da Norma ABNT NBR 15.575:2013 exige que as edificações habitacionais tendam requisitos de isolamento acústico entre as diferentes unidades, assim como estabelece metodologias de ensaio de campo conforme normas ISO para verificar o atendimento destes requisitos. Leia [+]
Sobrac 2018: Desafios de fazer mapas de ruído de grandes cidades brasileiras – estudos realizados para elaboração do mapa piloto de São Paulo
A elaboração de mapas de ruído para as cidades é de grande relevância para a gestão de ruído e uso dos espaços, principalmente em grandes centros. Em diversos países, o mapeamento sonoro de cidades é um tema desenvolvido, entretanto no Brasil, embora existam alguns exemplos, ainda há resistência devido às dificuldades de elaboração do mapa. Leia [+]
Sobrac-2018: Mapa piloto da cidade de São Paulo
Desde 2014 é muito discutida a elaboração do Mapa de Ruído da cidade de São Paulo. As discussões tiveram grande espaço nas Conferências Municipais sobre o Ruído, Vibração e Perturbação Sonora, organizadas pela ProAcústica na semana do INAD, por 3 anos consecutivos. Leia [+]
InterNoise 2018: The pilot noise map of São Paulo: first findings and next steps
São Paulo is one of the largest cities in the world, with more than 12 million inhabitants, however, environmental noise management is not taken into account on the urban planning. In 2012, a joint action between the Brazilian Association for Acoustic Quality - ProAcustica and the City Council, enabled the development of a Bill, approved in 2016. Leia [+]
InterNoise 2018: The use of pilot areas as a base for large-scale strategic noise mapping: technical aspects and application of software-based strategies
Nowadays, noise prediction software is the main tool for the calculation of situations oriented to predict noise in open environments. The results of such calculations support further decisions and action plans against noise in countries with a consistent legal noise control framework. Leia [+]